Eurythmics Oh No the Rain Is Coming Again

8 Useful English Phrases to Say When it's Raining | English Teacher Melanie

Pelting is a fact of life! We can't fight information technology.

English speakers talk about the weather condition a lot! It's a common topic of small talk*. Yous will have a lot of short English conversations about the atmospheric condition in an English-speaking country!

(*Small talk is an informal, polite but friendly conversation most something that is ordinary and not important. It's the kind of chat yous have with the cashier at the grocery store or gas station.)

You don't have to guess how to talk virtually pelting. There are common phrases and sentences that you lot tin apply. We can't predict what everyone is going to say in a conversation, but it helps to be prepared!

1. "What's information technology like outside? Is information technology raining?"

Yous can ask this question when you want to know what's happening exterior. Someone might as well ask you this question!

Here are some more than questions you might hear:

What's the weather like?

How is it exterior? Is information technology raining?

Is it notwithstanding raining out?

NOT: " How is the weather like? "

Out is sometimes used as a shortened form of outside.

Information technology

When you talk most atmospheric condition in English, use it.

Memorize: "Information technology's 16 degrees today". (NOT: " We take 16 degrees ." or " There are 16 degrees .")

It is an empty subject in this context. It has no meaning and it doesn't take the place of another word.

Note: In Canada we measure temperature in Celsius. In the US, temperature is measured in Fahrenheit.

2. "It's raining."

Sometimes in English you don't need fancy, complex sentences. Simple sentences are simply fine. The well-nigh mutual thing to say most rain in English is, "It's raining."

There are different synonyms y'all tin can use depending on whether it is light rain or heavy rain.

"Information technology's spitting."
Spitting is very light rain, rain that you can barely feel.

"It's but spitting a piffling."

"Information technology'southward drizzling."
Drizzling is more than than spitting, less than raining.

"Information technology's been raining on and off all day."
On and off means starting & stopping, then starting once more over a catamenia of time.

"Information technology'due south pouring."
Pouring is very heavy pelting.
"It is pouring pelting outside!"

When I was a child, nosotros used to sing a beautiful vocal:
"It'southward raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring!"

3. "Information technology'southward really coming downwards out there!"

Use this judgement to depict very heavy rain.

Rain falls from the clouds. Though we don't say, "rain is falling," English speakers understand that this is the motion of rain. In this context, the phrasal verb come downwardly means fall from the sky in very large amounts.

Don't say " The rain is actually falling down ."

Don't say " information technology's raining cats and dogs ," either. You might hear this in movies and Telly shows, and parents sometimes say it to their children, but more often than not people don't say "it's raining cats and dogs."

iv. "Take your umbrella. It looks like it'southward going to rain."

Sometimes you look at the clouds in the heaven and know that it'due south going to rain.

Note: Don't say " Information technology will rain ." When you are predicting the weather, utilise exist going to.

There are many ways to protect yourself from getting wet in the pelting. You lot can hold an umbrella over your head. You can habiliment a raincoat or other kind of waterproof jacket. You tin wear pelting boots or other kind of waterproof footwear.

5. "I've had plenty of all this rain!"

Sometimes rain is prissy. I like the audio of rain hitting the roof of my house when I'1000 lying in bed at night. Nevertheless, too much pelting is not nice!

When y'all are bored, annoyed, or angry with something or someone, apply the expression "I've had enough of … " It means that you just don't want to experience it anymore.

Culling sentences:

It's been raining non-stop for 3 days!

Information technology'south been raining for 3 days straight!

The present perfect is used hither because the pelting started in the past and continues in the present, and it will probably continue tomorrow!

The phrase "for < time catamenia > directly" is used to express that something hasn't stopped or didn't terminate during that time period. It means the same thing as "three days in a row."

half dozen. "Nosotros got caught in a downpour."

A downpour is a sudden, unexpected, heavy pelting, or a lot of rain in a brusque period of time.

The phrase get caught in (something) ways go unexpectedly afflicted by or involved in something. Yous weren't expecting pelting, and you lot weren't expecting that it would starting time raining while you were walking or driving to a destination.

You can also use be defenseless in (something) :

"We were caught in a downpour."

"Nosotros were caught in a tempest."

A tempest is a combination of rain, wind, and sometimes thunder & lightning.

7. "Let's stay within until the rain lets upward."

The phrasal verb let up means stop completely, or at least become slower. Say this sentence when desire to wait until the rain stops.

Let'south (with an apostrophe) is a wrinkle of let usa.

eight. "I got soaking moisture."

Sometimes in life you can't escape the pelting. Sometimes information technology starts raining on the day when you forgot your umbrella at home. When you are in the rain, you get wet.

Wet is an adjective that you tin employ to draw both the weather and water. If the weather is wet, information technology'south raining.

My clothes are wet from the pelting.

November is a miserable month. Information technology's cold and night and moisture.

It'due south going to be a cold, wet morning.

It's going to be a wet 1 tomorrow!

Information technology's going to exist a moisture and windy twenty-four hour period.

Soaking is a synonym of wet. You apply soaking past itself or earlier moisture. Use soaked by itself. They both mean very, very wet.

I went out for a wheel ride and got soaking wet in the rain.

I got soaking wet while I was walking domicile in the rain.

My clothes are soaking! Nosotros were out in the rain for hours.

Information technology was an outdoor concert. I got soaked in the rain, simply it was worth it!

I am soaked to the bone.

nine. "The forecast calls for scattered showers."

A weather forecast is something you see on TV, hear on the radio, or read in the newspaper. A meteorologist (a person who studies the weather) tells people what the weather volition exist like. A forecast is a meteorologist's prediction about the weather.

The vocabulary used in weather forecasts is dissimilar from the vocabulary used in everyday conversations when you talk about the conditions.

When you lot are talking about the weather condition forecast, use the phrasal verb telephone call for (something) . Information technology ways say that this kind of weather condition will probably happen.

In the context of rain, a shower is a short period of rain in a small expanse.

Scattered means spread over a wide area. Scattered showers are periods of light rain happening in a few places, not but in one place. In that location might be a quick shower in the southern part of the urban center, then a quick shower in the northern role of the city.

We have a saying in Canada & the US: "April showers bring May flowers." Tt rains a lot in April, but the water will help the flowers abound!

Precipitation is a formal discussion for rain and is sometimes used in weather condition forecasts.

Exercise you have any interesting expressions in your language to say when information technology'south raining?


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